Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Amazon's Awesome Authors!

Ever since I got my IPad last year I have found the sheer awesome that is Amazon.  There are literally thousands of books on Kindle that are great.  I have found new authors on there that I absolutely adore and I think that everyone should look into some of these awesome authors.  

I'll start with an author named Diane Farr.  The first book that I read by her, "Wicked Cool," had me drooling after I finished it because I couldn't wait to read the next book in the series.  I have also read "Falling for Chloe" which is yet another wonderful book.  Mrs. Farr is a truly talented woman and super friendly on top of that!  I recommend checking out her numerous books because you will not be disappointed by what you read.  

Another favorite of mind is Jessica Sorenson and the Fallen Star series.  Absolutely amazing series!  I couldn't pull my brain out of her story because it was just that incredible.  She also has giveaways on her facebook page, which I have enjoyed immensely.  She's truly amazing and another author that is worth checking out.

Imogen Rose is another amazing author whose books are incredible. The worlds that she creates are so vibrant and take you away from everything surrounding you in reality.  She also has a facebook page and has multiple giveaways.  She even sent me a publicity pack with a bundle of awesome things to pass out to everyone that I know in order to get the word out about her work.  Including a very cute t-shirt!  So please, look up her work and give it a chance.

There are literally hundreds more that I could recommend that are on Amazon but that would take all night to do.  Please, support all of these amazing authors because they truly work very hard and are self publishing.  Together we can get the word out about their amazing talents and help them gain a larger fan base.  Plus, the more readers they gain, the more books they will put out and I'll be so happy!  I truly do love their books!  So, that is all for this blog.  Maybe I'll do a regular blog about the authors that I find on Amazon...we'll see!  Goodnight!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Boom Goes The Dynamite

You would think that since today was a holiday that it would have actually been a good day...you would be completely wrong.  It has been a war zone in our home today.  I'm not sure how much I can honestly complain since I was a full participant in this war.  A lot of things were said in the heat of anger and I don't think what was said can ever be taken back, by any of us.  

I've gotten used to losing friends over the years but I think this whole situation is the worst of them all.  The other person involved does not hold complete blame in this and I know that.  In fact, I want to make it perfectly clear to anyone who reads this, I am just as responsible as this other person.  We were both childish and acted like the type of people that we have never liked during our lives.  

I don't think there's any way to fix this whole situation.  To be honest, maybe it's not the best idea to actually try to fix it right now.  Maybe this is for the best...I don't know if I honestly believe that, but sometimes we have to say things like that so we don't have a complete breakdown.  

Any ideas?  I would gladly take any suggestions that anyone may have.  But before you do that, please listen carefully:  We are not speaking to each other right now so I'm doubtful that talking this out would actually work, lol.  So, I'm ready.  Let's hear it. :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Not mad...just confused....

I have come to realize something...the people who know me, truly know me, know that deep down, people's words bother me...Then there's people who don't really know me at all who think that words don't bother me, like I'm invincible... Guess what?  Words hurt, no matter who you're saying them to.  You may think they're just a joke, but there are those of us who have spent our entire lives being harassed and picked on about certain things so when someone says something hurtful it still bothers us.  These same people think that saying just kidding afterward makes it all better.  Really?  Are you retarded?  Would you want someone else to say those same things to you?  Didn't think so....

But I'm not going to let people like that get to me anymore.  Sure, the words hurt, but I refuse to let anyone else have control over my feelings.  "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission..."  Eleanor Roosevelt was a very smart woman and her words have never been more true.  So no more negative people in my life.  I don't need people like that and I don't want them in my life either.  Just goes to show that giving people the benefit of the doubt is a waste of time.  People will always disappoint you.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wasted Sunday...

It has been quite a while since my last blog post and I have been missing it dearly!  I have been caught up in my school work and trying to keep up with everything going on around the house, but tonight I felt the strong urge to speak again!  

Tonight there is something that I would like to rant about specifically...Why is it that when a day comes to honor us, our significant others decide to call it "just another day?"  You all know that Mother's Day was a couple of days ago and I had high hopes for my hunny but evidently this was not the year for him to change his view about the importance of this day.

It hurts my feelings when he says that Mother's Day and Father's Day are nothing more than ordinary days with extraordinary titles.  How can you think that?  I mean, this is the one day in the year that we honor the people who have had a big impact on our lives.  I gave birth to your child and yet you still don't understand why I should have ONE day off?  Yes, he cooked me breakfast, I will give him that, but the rest of the day it was like I didn't exist.  It hurt.  Alot.

The past couple of Mother's Days have been extremely hard since I no longer have the ability to spend it with my own mom.  I should have felt a certain contentment on this special day, but instead I felt unloved, under appreciated, and completely alone. No mother should feel this way on the one day when they should be honored for everything they do.  It's not right and it's definitely not okay.

I was so upset that I had decided to just not do anything special for him for Father's Day, but when I stopped to think about it, I couldn't do that to him.  He is the father of my daughter and I love him with all of my heart.  I want him to know how much he means to me, even if he doesn't feel the need to make me feel the same way.  Maybe one day he will understand how he makes me feel but until then, all I can do is just sit back and hope that he removes his head from his butt soon...cause I don't think I can keep living this way.  I deserve better.