Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So Glad It's Over

So the past couple of weeks has been an extreme emotional roller coaster and I'm so glad that it's finally over.  Well, at least on our end it is.  Of course the others involved are still running their mouths about everything, trying to justify the way that they handled the situation, but that's their right as a human being.  I just find it so funny that they are still insisting on their innocence.  I'm just thankful that the negativity is gone from my world.  I no longer have to worry about whether or not they will invade our home and use and abuse us and our belongings.  I am no longer stressed out beyond belief.  It's a good day tater!  

This will officially be the last time that they are ever mentioned on my blog.  I have to officially remove them and their negativity from my life!

On to other news!  My classes start on April 30th and I still have not been officially registered yet!  I've been freaking out all week about being able to get my books and things before classes start.  I really hope that everything works out, but if it doesn't then I will at least be able to start at the end of June when the next term begins.  I'm so thankful for the support that I have received from all of my friends about my decision to follow my dream of being a writer!  I seriously don't think that I would have taken this leap without all the encouragement that I have received from all of you wonderful people!  You all know who you are and I love you so much for being so incredibly amazing!

So, I think that's about all there will be for tonight, unless I think of anything else.  I would really like some feedback from my friends who are reading my blog.  I can't wait to really get going with my writing and begin writing some meaningful blogs instead of all of the crap that has been on here lately.  At least I can move on properly now! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Waiting Game

So, I'm not waiting, quite impatiently, for the ball to get rolling on admittance to SNHU.  I have turned in all the necessary paperwork and now I wait.....and wait.....and wait some more....Classes start at the end of the seven days to be exact.  How is that enough time to ensure that I will have the books that I need for class?  I'm beginning to freak out.  Then again, it might just mean that I will have to wait another two months for the next section to begin.  I don't want to, but if that's what happens, then so be it.  I'm just so excited about all of this!

So, there really isn't much news otherwise.  There are sick people in the house and thankfully, they have sequestered themselves at the other end of the house. :)  Hopefully that will help to keep the rest of us from getting sick.  But, that's all for now.  I have nothing else going on.  Have a great Monday!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A New Direction

So, recently I made a big decision about where my future would lead me.  First, let me say this...I hold no grudges for the events that led to me making this decision.  My professors at Columbia College are simply following protocol.  That being said, I'm actually really happy that things have worked out this way.  It was like a sign from above that it was time for me to stop following someone else's dream and live my life for me.  So, I'm saying goodbye to my future as a Social Worker...and welcoming back my dream of being a writer.  Shocking, right?

I know that statistical evidence will say that the possibility of actually getting published is slim-to-none, but how am I supposed to follow a path that is not my true dream?  I had been doing a lot of thinking lately about whether or not I was being true to myself and when the poop hit the proverbial fan...well, I knew that it was time for me to go for the big one.  I have always wanted to be a writer.  I have been an avid writer since I first learned how.  Believe me, I still have those first diaries from second grade...all I can say is what in the world was I complaining about?!?

So, my first order of business has been to start actually using my blog and putting my voice out there.  How else am I going to find out if I have something interesting to say?  Plus, there's the added bonus of being able to speak my mind freely without the moaning and groaning that I hear whenever I do this at home.  I can freely express myself here which is the first step to true freedom.  So, again, LET'S DO THIS!  Pass my blog along to anyone who you think might find this interesting.  If you, as my friend, don't like it, let me know.  Feel free to use my blog as a venting space as well.  Let's make this an open forum for all who need to rant.  I look forward to hearing from everyone!

You want me to do what?!?

Every time I try to talk to my fiance', this is the response that I get from him.  It may not always be verbatim, but it boils down to that one question:  You want me to do what?!?  Yes, sweet heart, I want you to pay attention when someone speaks to you, mainly me.  I want you to spend one-on-one time with me when the house is empty.  I want you to remember that while you are gone, "slaving away to make the money," that I am here, stuck in the house with two people who are almost entirely dependent on me being here.  Free time?  That is a concept that left a long time ago.

It's not like I'm asking him to throw the XBox away because hey, there's no way I would get rid of this beautiful contraption that sits on the table and allows me to basically say whatever I want, when I want.  I wouldn't ask that of him, but is it too much to ask for him to pay attention?  Why is it that when we speak to our men, the only thing they hear is the teacher's voice from Charlie Brown?  I know for a fact that I don't sound like that, so why is what I'm saying so confusing?  Besides, we all know that men will never win a fight when it's about communication.  We, as women, fight dirty during that argument because we know, KNOW, that the majority of the time, they aren't paying attention to anything we say.  And sometimes I will agree, it's better that way.  We say something stupid and there's no worries because they didn't hear it anyway.

I'm not writing this post to put down my significant other.  I'm truly not.  I have two reasons for this: A) I want to find out if I'm alone with this problem, and B) sometimes I just need to vent!  I can't vent to him about him, so what choice do I have?  Okay, here's where I want some interaction from everyone!  Tell me about your significant other!  Let's have a true RANT here and we will see exactly what everyone out there deals with on a daily basis.  No judgments...well....okay guys, you know there might end up being a teensy bit of judgment, but what they hey?  Let's just see where this goes!  I hope that people will take the time and let it out!  Let's do this!

Life's Crappy Moments...Get Over It!

The past couple of days have been full of drama.  Unnecessary drama.  I find it so funny that some people would rather blame others for their own actions instead of accepting responsibility for the crap they do.  Everything we do in life has consequences and part of being an adult is accepting those consequences when they come.  How can you claim to be "grown" when your actions prove otherwise?  For example, when you treat someone like a slave, constantly putting them down, making promises you never intend to keep, and just being an overall crappy "friend," how can you be surprised when that person finally decides to put you out of their life?  You can't.  And yet, the situation that a friend of mine has found herself in is exactly that.  But I guess that's what happens when people refuse to grow up.

I guess the whole point of this post is that I'm so glad that I have finally learned to distance myself from people who have nothing better to do than make others miserable.  I want to enjoy the time that I have with the people that I love.  I don't want all of that negativity in my life and I certainly don't want it in my child's life.  To all those people who truly know me, I'm not one to bite my tongue or hold back when you ask my for my opinion.  I'm very straightforward and I find no reason to sugar coat anything.  I don't try to hurt people's feelings with my words, but there are times in life when being sweet just doesn't work.  Sometimes you just have to life with life's crappy moments.  Accept them.  Embrace them.  And then move past them.  Because there are better things in life than holding grudges and acting out of anger and hatred.