Monday, May 28, 2012

Boom Goes The Dynamite

You would think that since today was a holiday that it would have actually been a good would be completely wrong.  It has been a war zone in our home today.  I'm not sure how much I can honestly complain since I was a full participant in this war.  A lot of things were said in the heat of anger and I don't think what was said can ever be taken back, by any of us.  

I've gotten used to losing friends over the years but I think this whole situation is the worst of them all.  The other person involved does not hold complete blame in this and I know that.  In fact, I want to make it perfectly clear to anyone who reads this, I am just as responsible as this other person.  We were both childish and acted like the type of people that we have never liked during our lives.  

I don't think there's any way to fix this whole situation.  To be honest, maybe it's not the best idea to actually try to fix it right now.  Maybe this is for the best...I don't know if I honestly believe that, but sometimes we have to say things like that so we don't have a complete breakdown.  

Any ideas?  I would gladly take any suggestions that anyone may have.  But before you do that, please listen carefully:  We are not speaking to each other right now so I'm doubtful that talking this out would actually work, lol.  So, I'm ready.  Let's hear it. :)

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you see it takes 2 to fight. I also want you to know that your fight today is nothing near the fights that Kim & I used to have. You know how close Kim & I were and how pig headed we both were. Can you imagine the knock down drag outs that we got into? Some of those fights left me feeling what you are feeling now. True friends are not like that though. You love together, laugh together, and most certainly fight together and against each other. And how I wish that Kim were still here today so we could have some of those wonderful fights. I miss her so much and the years haven't changed that a bit. So from my experience, I want to ask you a question. Can you imagine this person not being in your life, for whatever reason? If the answer is yes, then let it go. If the answer is no, then find a way to fix it. I don't want you feeling regrets later in your life. Kim was taken from me by means beyond our control. If your truly love this person, don't let her be taken from you over stupidity.
