Monday, May 21, 2012

Not mad...just confused....

I have come to realize something...the people who know me, truly know me, know that deep down, people's words bother me...Then there's people who don't really know me at all who think that words don't bother me, like I'm invincible... Guess what?  Words hurt, no matter who you're saying them to.  You may think they're just a joke, but there are those of us who have spent our entire lives being harassed and picked on about certain things so when someone says something hurtful it still bothers us.  These same people think that saying just kidding afterward makes it all better.  Really?  Are you retarded?  Would you want someone else to say those same things to you?  Didn't think so....

But I'm not going to let people like that get to me anymore.  Sure, the words hurt, but I refuse to let anyone else have control over my feelings.  "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission..."  Eleanor Roosevelt was a very smart woman and her words have never been more true.  So no more negative people in my life.  I don't need people like that and I don't want them in my life either.  Just goes to show that giving people the benefit of the doubt is a waste of time.  People will always disappoint you.


  1. Certain people will always disappoint you. If you put your trust in the right people, you will not be disappointed. Surround yourself with positive people who will lift you up. If they can not add to your life, then subtract them from your life. Love you!

  2. I honestly thought that I was. At first, I didn't really like this person because they were always picking and was pretty obnoxious at times, but a mutual friend told me to give this person a chance. Well, I did, and I was proved right. I deserve better people in my life. Like you! :) Love you!
