Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A New Direction

So, recently I made a big decision about where my future would lead me.  First, let me say this...I hold no grudges for the events that led to me making this decision.  My professors at Columbia College are simply following protocol.  That being said, I'm actually really happy that things have worked out this way.  It was like a sign from above that it was time for me to stop following someone else's dream and live my life for me.  So, I'm saying goodbye to my future as a Social Worker...and welcoming back my dream of being a writer.  Shocking, right?

I know that statistical evidence will say that the possibility of actually getting published is slim-to-none, but how am I supposed to follow a path that is not my true dream?  I had been doing a lot of thinking lately about whether or not I was being true to myself and when the poop hit the proverbial fan...well, I knew that it was time for me to go for the big one.  I have always wanted to be a writer.  I have been an avid writer since I first learned how.  Believe me, I still have those first diaries from second grade...all I can say is what in the world was I complaining about?!?

So, my first order of business has been to start actually using my blog and putting my voice out there.  How else am I going to find out if I have something interesting to say?  Plus, there's the added bonus of being able to speak my mind freely without the moaning and groaning that I hear whenever I do this at home.  I can freely express myself here which is the first step to true freedom.  So, again, LET'S DO THIS!  Pass my blog along to anyone who you think might find this interesting.  If you, as my friend, don't like it, let me know.  Feel free to use my blog as a venting space as well.  Let's make this an open forum for all who need to rant.  I look forward to hearing from everyone!

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